Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pictures From Ukraine

23 hours  total in the car. Yah... It was a long trip. 

Anca is one of my roommates. At camp and in Bucharest, she is stuck with me all the time. I don't know if she was ready for that ;)

We went into town the one night while in Ukraine. Downtown was actually really cute but not many of my pictures turned out very well cause it was pretty dark. But in the picture of above is of me downtown with the Romanian camp counselors. 

The kids are pretty silly. 

And I got to meet some amazing people! 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

My Favorite Things About Ukraine.

I am back! It's been pretty crazy whirlwind here. I arrived in Bucharest for me to leave a week later to go to camp training then to head to camp in Ukraine right after that... So three weeks total I have been gone. 

1. Before we had left, they had described the camp making it sound like a communist jail. Even though we did only have three showers to 40+ girls, only one real toilet (the rest were squat-y potties), and veggies and fruits were served limited. It didn't seem too bad. Which was a huge relieve. 

2. Before I left for Ukraine I was told none of them knew English. Which was true a lot of them didn't know any English. These Ukrainians were actually Romanians because after World War II when the border line of Ukraine and Romania moved, leaving a lot of Romanian families in Ukraine. So all these kids know Romanian, Ukrainian, and Russian (cause Ukraine was under Russia during their communism period) but no English. So the first week or so of camp, I was rather lonely with no one to talk to but I met two of the Ukraine camp counselors who knew English and I was so thankful for them to take some time to talk to me. 

3. You can imagine that it was little tough for me. And I was questioning how much I was really helping out throughout all of camp. But the last night of camp 22 campers rededicated their lives to Christ. And I was reminded that if I hadn't been watching the kids. One of the leaders would have missed out on the opportunity to speak to one of the kids. Through out it all God really has a purpose for my life. Lesson learned. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July!

Happy 4th of July as most American refer to it as or the real patriotic ones, "Independence Day", and my favorite one heard the most in Romania, "Happy America Day".

Yay for holidays and celebrations. It was American week at Lidl (the local grocery store) this week so the Romanian team tried to stock up on pretty much anything American they could. 

We had a great all out American cookout to celebrate the fourth. Hope your holiday was as fun as mine. 

Happy 4th of July! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

See ya later, France! Hello, Romania.

Definitely not in the french Alps anymore. 

This is a view outside my window, completely different from anything in France or the US for that matter. No worry. It's not that I am living in a bad part of the city; it's that the entire city looks like this.

But I am having a great time so far. I got to go to a village and help out with a VBS. Met some college kids from the states on a mission trip. And that an opportunity to catch up on my sleep today. Life is good so far in Romania.