Monday, March 31, 2014

Feeling Fancy

I did my hair yesterday. It is sorta a big deal, unless I wear my hair in braids it is usually down. Mercy gave me that black hair band for my birthday in France and I have had it for over a year now unsure of how I was going to wear it. Then I remember all the girls at camp this summer in Romania had their hair pulled back all cute with a hair band and I thought Let's try it. So yesterday morning I asked mama to help me perfect my hair-do for church. I would say it came out pretty good, it might be a popular hair-do for me this summer if I can master it by myself. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I think I have mentioned a few times how much I love Sarmale. The last five weekends I was in Romania I made sure I ate Sarmale at least once every weekend. That and Papanasi. And that might be the reason why I gained a few pounds before I headed home. Truth be told.

My grandma likes cabbage, I like sarmale. It's a good fit. So last week I convinced my grandma that we should make some sarmale. 

She brought the ingredients and I slaved away in the kitchen for two hours cooking that cabbage. And let me tell you it didn't end up looking this like...

Or tasting as good as this. I was a bit disappointed my sarmale seem to lack some spices. Or maybe it was just missing some mamaliga. Haha. I doubt that was it but you never know. It might be a few weeks before I get the courage to try this recipe out again. 

But here is to trying new things and blogging more often. Cheers!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Return Home

Leaving Romania for me wasn't that hard. My kids didn't know I was leaving and my schedule was a little hectic the last couple of weeks. So I think that made it easier when it was time for me to leave and I knew I was stopping in Holland to visit Rachel which was something for me to look forward too. 

I got to spend some extra time with my roommates before I left. We visited Peles and Bran Castle. It was pretty awesome and it was on my bucket list of things to do. 

While in Amsterdam with Rachel, I visited the Anne Frank House and got to spend some time with her family. Which was nice and relaxing transition on my way back.

I am not going to lie was a little disappointed with Anne Frank's house. It was just a whole bunch of quotes on the wall. My recommendation is to just read the book.

My transition back home has been a little rough. Not starting my job as soon as planned, not having a car, and lack of money. Has left me at home with not much to do these past few days/weeks except think about Romania and all my kids. But I promise to blog about the little things like new recipes, cute kids, and exciting new movies? And if I get any news on my kids in Romania I wont hesitate to inform you too. 

Hope your week is more exciting then mine!