Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year! 

I hope 2011 was as good of a year for you guys as it was for me. I was filled with a lot of blessings during 2011. First of all I graduated high school. Yep, I survived all 13 plus years of school it was hard work. I have a job with good hours which is more then a lot of people have right now. I am enrolled in college class' for next semester and am currently being interviewed for one of my dream jobs of being a nanny. I would say 2011 was pretty good. 

And I would like 2012 to be just as good. So I made a few new year's resolutions to keep me on track for the new year. 

1. Eat healthy.  
I was doing good really good last spring about eating healthy and working out. But then I got busy with work and lost time to work out and with the holidays I most definitively ate a lot of sweets. So my goal is find more time to work out and get fit by eating healthy. 

2. Run a half marathon. 
My real goal is to run a full marathon but since the farthest I have ever ran was 9 miles while I was training for the Akron Relay I have decided a half marathon is the perfect start to my marathon goal this year. 

3. Learn how to cook. 
Yes, sad to admit but I don't know how to cook. Somehow cooking was gene that missed me. So pinterest  has helped me a lot to find simple recipes to help me start :) I am excited about this new adventure. And my uncle has said he would pay for the groceries if I made him dinner. So its a win win. 

4. Blog more.
This past summer, I have really gotten away from blogging on a regular basis. So I need to get back on track. So hopefully 2012 will bring me enough adventures to blog about. 

5. Get good grades in school. 
Now that I was going to be going back to school with a little more purpose this time. I plan on getting good grades in all my class'. No excuse for me to slack off this year. 

I hope you guys had a great New Year's Eve and that you will have many blessings in 2012!

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