Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Bug Zone

It's VBS time, say what?! What an exciting week it has been. I have been preparing for this week in many ways. Since I am the church intern and all. I have helped a lot in the process. From organizing the books to help paint the signs. And what fun it has been.

This weeek I started out helping with the 2 and 3's I got to say I have some pretty awesome decorating skills. hehe. Especially when it comes to bugs. 

Let's be truthful I either stole the idea from someone else or had help from my mom. 

By the time Tuesday came a long we were lacking on kids but had to many teachers for our wonderful 2 and 3's. So I hop over to help out with the jr. high. It was fun. We went swimming yesterday and today we went up to Pregnancy Solutions in Akron to do service work. If you didn't know I use to volunteer at PSS so going back there today was so much fun. To see all the workers and tell them about my opportunity to go to France. They were so excited for me. It was such a blessing. 

If I had to rate this week of VBS so far I would give it 9.5 out of 10. It's been great so far just have to survive one more day. I believe I am helping out in the kitchen tomorrow so I get to stick close to the food :) Always a good place to be. 

Firecracker 5k

So when I got my tattoo last Sunday the tattoo artist said I could run as long as it didn't me pain. Which was good news considering I signed up for my town 5k three weeks ago. Can't back out now. 

Before I tell you about the 5k, I want to share with you why the 4th is one of my favorite holidays. Naturally my favorite holiday is Christmas because you get to celebrate it for a whole month! So the 4th is my second since we get to celebrate it a whole week. Since is the time of the year I truly love my small town. The week starts out with a little parade which I am usually am in for our local library. Following the parade is the carnival which last all week, which is pretty exciting beside the scary carnies. Then finishing the week up, we have our annual firecracker 5K and fireworks! For us being such a small town, we do have some pretty nice fireworks. Don't mind my bragging. 

Well back to the 5k. I don't know what the temperature was in your state but Ohio was having a major heat wave by eight o'clock it was already 80* and humid. So the race was pretty miserable but it was fun to run with some friends. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Many of you have seen the movie trailer to this. And I am sure just like me you thought: this looks like such a cute movie and I wouldn't mind seeing it. So today my mom, sister, grandma, and I all ventured out to see it. With the heat advisory keeping us inside anyway we thought we might at well go to the movies. 

I am sorry to say the movie was a bit of a disappointment. You may ask why? When you see the trailer you think what a great movie about a girl choosing her own fate but (spoiler alert) her mother turns into a bear?! What the heck?! She doesn't choose her own fate. It just doesn't work out. The movie was definitely different in many ways. I am still not sure what exactly the theme/purpose of this movie was. It was a great disappointment.

p.s. Check out our awesome 3D glasses.

Monday, July 2, 2012


So I have been waiting for this moment almost all summer when I could go get my tattoo. And it finally happened yesterday. I am very proud of my tattoo. Naturally I spent out a few a pictures via text of my tattoo as soon as I took my bandages off. All bloody and all to show my friends. True friends still tell you how great it looks blood and all. hehe. Don't worry I will save you from the blood pictures. 

As you can see the nervousness on our faces right before we got our tattoos. 

For pure enjoyment. I will share the conversation I had with my coworker this morning. 
Me: Tyler! Wanna look at my tattoo?! Isn't it cool?!
Tyler: Did you do something different with your hair?
Me: Yah. I am a whole new person. 
Tyler: Wait till you come back from France.
Me: I know. I will be totally different.
Tyler: You will be like all tatted. 
Me: hahaha. No way. This was so painful. Probably be the only one you will ever see me with. 

So now that I have shared the after story here's the whole process. . . 

Walk By Faith


I have had a pretty exciting week. It really all started last Sunday when Andrea and I decided that we needed some extra energy that could give our legs a break so we went for a bike ride. Of course followed by ice cream. 

The reason I am telling you this is so you guys understand the great pain I was in when I had to make the long six hour drive to Harrisburg, PA on Tuesday and the aggravating pain I was feeling from the long bike ride. Note to self: Don't bike before long runs or bring extra cushion for the bum. 

Anyway after my long drive, I had the most refreshing week in training getting ready for France and getting a chance to meet amazing new people as they get ready to serve in different places around the world. 

I got to meet, Kezia, who will also be serving as a nanny in France at the same time as me. I am excited to know I will have some one to spend  some really good memories with as we watch out kiddos. 

Hope you all had an amazing week also. More pictures of the past week are soon to follow. Maybe even some tattoo pictures. . ? :)