It's VBS time, say what?! What an exciting week it has been. I have been preparing for this week in many ways. Since I am the church intern and all. I have helped a lot in the process. From organizing the books to help paint the signs. And what fun it has been.
This weeek I started out helping with the 2 and 3's I got to say I have some pretty awesome decorating skills. hehe. Especially when it comes to bugs.
Let's be truthful I either stole the idea from someone else or had help from my mom.
By the time Tuesday came a long we were lacking on kids but had to many teachers for our wonderful 2 and 3's. So I hop over to help out with the jr. high. It was fun. We went swimming yesterday and today we went up to Pregnancy Solutions in Akron to do service work. If you didn't know I use to volunteer at PSS so going back there today was so much fun. To see all the workers and tell them about my opportunity to go to France. They were so excited for me. It was such a blessing.
If I had to rate this week of VBS so far I would give it 9.5 out of 10. It's been great so far just have to survive one more day. I believe I am helping out in the kitchen tomorrow so I get to stick close to the food :) Always a good place to be.