Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Many of you have seen the movie trailer to this. And I am sure just like me you thought: this looks like such a cute movie and I wouldn't mind seeing it. So today my mom, sister, grandma, and I all ventured out to see it. With the heat advisory keeping us inside anyway we thought we might at well go to the movies. 

I am sorry to say the movie was a bit of a disappointment. You may ask why? When you see the trailer you think what a great movie about a girl choosing her own fate but (spoiler alert) her mother turns into a bear?! What the heck?! She doesn't choose her own fate. It just doesn't work out. The movie was definitely different in many ways. I am still not sure what exactly the theme/purpose of this movie was. It was a great disappointment.

p.s. Check out our awesome 3D glasses.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a commenting machine today. I'm going to write a blog about brave for you today :)
