Saturday, June 22, 2013

"The Waterfall"

Sunday Rachel and I decided to be rebels and skip church. The Stoner's had given me the day off to spend with Rachel and we had heard there was a waterfall up behind Conflans. So Sunday afternoon we headed up to find this wonderful waterfall where we were told we could get in the water. 

We hike up to Conflans and followed the creek all the way up to where it ended on the trail to find a tiny little creek and a little run off. Thinking that couldn't possibly be it we continued to hike up till we ran into a little town ask for directions. Having all the french inform us that such a waterfall didn't exist. 

Luckily at this point, we had ran into Eric and Carlan from the Burundi team who lived at campus with us. They happened to also be looking for this magical waterfall. 

After about three hours of hiking. We finally got a hold of someone from campus to tell us where this waterfall was.... she informed us it was right up the creek and even was kind enough to hike up and point it out to us. And yes, it was the little run off going into the creek. I was very disappointed that I had been hiking for three hours just for this little thing. I am pretty sure we have run offs bigger then this in Wayne county. 

But I got to spend the day with my friend and come away with a decent story. And feel guilt free about eating half a pizza for dinner Sunday night. :)

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