Do you remember me? Yah, I was that girl who pretended to have a life so I could blog. . hehe. Let's admit it all us bloggers do it. It kinda gives us a little hope.
Well I am back! After taking a little break to get my life together and move to France. I am finally here in France and ready to blog again. And oh how I have missed it!
So now your all probably thinking how she must live an exciting life living in France. And so I thought too. But as you begin to read my blog a little more you will realize I am just a small town American girl trying to survive in the French Alps. . . as a nanny.
You might be also wondering why in the world is this girl wasting her time blogging when she should be out exploring the french culture. Well I have a lot of excuses for that one. And it starts with my lack of communication. I have always known I had a problem but it has really became a problem here. Just to give you an example like tonight. . .I am suppose to be at youth group but me being young and forgetful, I forgot. Until Rachel tweeted me via twitter but by the time I finished up at the Stoner's (my wonderful nanny family) and showered I had missed youth group. And as I get on facebook to check up on all my friends back home I am once again reminded that I don't know french because if I did I would have realized what time youth group had started today.
But before you start feeling sorry for me. I will let you know I love my job here and the experience I get to live in the French alps with the Stoner's and I wouldn't trade it in for anything. (Even though I am sometimes emotional and can't seem to keep the simple things in life together, I like to think it's just a little culture stress and that in a few months. I will have it all figured out.) So please follow me on my journey as I try to survive the french culture as an american nanny.
aaaand blogging will give you a little keepsake to go back and read about all your adventures :)